O Fim Da Fila

4Dic - by vivacomix2 - 0 - In animakid1

O Fim Da Fila
(The End of the Line)
William Cőgo
Brasile/Brazil, 2016, 2’50”


Un film d’animazione basato sulla grafica accattivante dell’illustratore e animatore William Cőgo e sulla musica di Pierre Jatobá Descaves, accompagnato dall’orchestra dell’Università Federale di Rio de Janeiro. Prima italiana.

Produced by Labareda Communication and Design (Rio de Janeiro), the short movie had the direction of the expert illustrator/animator William Côgo. The original soundtrack was created by musician Pierre Jatobá Descaves – from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Orchestra – which explores sounds of indigenous pipe in this work.